What is the normal size of the uterus, not the pregnancy of the uterus? How many centimeters? - QuoraThis site is intended for health professionals GP Information Links Main navigation Understand pelvic ultrasound reports To Dr. Attiya Khan and Mr. Rehan Khan 7 October 2010 Dr. Attiya Khan asked the gynecologist consultant, Mr. Rehan Khan a language guide to understand pelvic ultrasounds. How many times have you seen a report like this (see below) and thought, "What does this mean on earth?" What are the normal measurements for the uterus? How do I know when the endometrial is significantly thickened? At what point am I referring to a gynecologist? pelvic ultrasound report I have thought of this sometimes, so I decided to acquire some expert advice from an obstetrician consultant and gynecologist to find a way through the jargon. The uterus The position describes whether the uterus is anteverted (supporting forward) or retroverted (feeding backwards) or axial (inbetween). About 80% of the time the uterus is reversed and 20% of the time is reversed or axial. A reverse uterus is usually normal but if discovered in a scan it is important to correlate it with the clinical image. In patients with chronic and disparaunious pelvic pain, retroversion can be the result of chronic PID adhesions or chronic endometriosis. The size is often subjectively commented (e.g., "the uterus appears voluminous") and objectively (the diameter of the uterus). In a nulipidal woman the normal anteroposterior diameter (AP) is about 3-5 cm with a normal uterina length of about 6-10cm.1 These figures increase in women who have had children and decrease in postmenopausal women. A uterus is almost never abnormally small. The expansion of the uterin is almost always due to fibroids, and if possible, the sonographer will measure each and describe its position as submucosal (inside the cavity), subserosal (outside the cavity) or intramyometrial (inside the wall). This description is important when considered a IU or IUS because submucosal fibroids can cause a coil to be expelled. Fibroids generally do not need remission unless they are causing symptoms, such as bleeding or pressure symptoms. In addition to changes caused by fibroids, the uterus may have variable forms due to embryonic abnormalities. Clinical implications will depend on the patient's presentation, and may include menorrhagia, amenorrhoea, subfertility and recurrent abortion. Ecotexture and ecopattern describe the ultrasound appearance of the miometrium. For example, the description may be 'normal', 'suggestive of fibroid change' or 'suggestive of adenomyosis'. Endometrial The normal appearance of endometrial is smooth and regular in the face of a disturbed appearance. The appearance and thickness of the endometry varies with different stages of the menstrual cycle. The endometrial thickness is 1-4mm during menstruation, 5-7mm in the proliferative phase, up to 11mm in the periovulatory phase and 7-14mm in the secret phase. 2 Abnormal thickness can be caused by polyps, fibroids, hyperplasia and cancer. In postmenopausal women endometrials 3Ovaries As with the uterus there are subjective comments on the appearance of ovaries and then objective comments on the size, shape and ecotexture are made. The average normal size is 3.5 cm x 2.5cm x 1.5cm. After menopause ovaries usually measure 2cm x 1.5cm x 1cm or less. There may be cysts present in the ovaries. These may include follicular cysts, luteum body cysts, hemorrhagic cysts, endometriomas, simple cysts and polycetic ovaries that appear. Cytos nе5cm will need forward derivation as they are associated with a greater probability of ovarian cyst accident. Symptom cysts in premenopausal women also deserve to be referred. In the postmenopausal woman, any new cyst needs remission to exclude malignity. It is reassuring if the ovaries cannot be seen in the scan as this excludes the pathology. Tubercles are not usually seen - if observed there is usually pathology, such as hydrosalpinx. The DouglasFluid bag in the Douglas bag can be measured. Its presence is generally physiological of a broken follicular cyst, but it may also be associated with a broken ovarian cyst or PID. References1. Eberhard Merz. Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Vol. 2. Second edition, Thieme, Texas, 1997.2. Goldberg BB, McGahan JP. Atlas of ultrasound measurements. Elsevier Health Sciences, Philadelphia 2006.3.SIGN. Research of postmenopausal bleeding. Guide SIGN 61, 2002.GP Online recommends Share this article Read these below Have you registered with us yet? Register now to enjoy more free email articles and newsletters The voice of today's GP. News, ideas and clinical education. 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Normal size of the uterus
Sonographic measurement of uterine dimensions in healthy nulliparous adults in Northwestern Nigeria Umar UM, Isyaku K, Adamu YM, Abubakar S A, Kabo N A, Nura I, Naimatu A T - Sahel Med J
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Sonographic measurement of uterine dimensions in healthy nulliparous adults in Northwestern Nigeria Umar UM, Isyaku K, Adamu YM, Abubakar S A, Kabo N A, Nura I, Naimatu A T - Sahel Med J
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